Single ladies

Everybody needs a change now and then.
Container flowers.
Hello, My name is Sarah and I saved a flower from the horrible faith in a container. It didn't look so good. It was brownish color on the flowers and the leafs were sad. But I took it anyway. I didn't really know how to save this ugly flower, but I placed it in a pot and let it sleep outside. ANd just see what happends.
When I went to school, the flower looked happy. Like it said "Thank you". It did look alot happier! So now I have new flower. The other one I had died.
Disco-Mouse and Zombies!

I feel like blogging again, but it's hard when the Nikon gets stolen by the boyfriend of mine! But now it's home with mama. My nose look really big on that picture. I look like a moomin, but i don't mind. Moomins are SO cute! Henrik and I bought a Disco-Computer-Mouse. I'll put on a video on it later. When it's night it really having a party and I can't wait until I have a party with Left 4 Dead 2! I WANT IT NOW! AND I WAN'T FASTER INTERNET! C: I'm obsessed with zombies. I always talk about it. And think about it (Especially when me and my boyfreind walks around the streets and it's empty. My mind go crazy then!) And i like it. Wouldn't mind to be a survivor. I would SO kick ass when I run around and shoot zombies and just to be too cool to die!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... now I have too sleep.
Nighty night!
A New Calf Called Lotta

Something I have been waiting for! Walk in green and warn grass. This grass was alittle cold, but hey, I dont care! Because it's finally spring!

Give me please

KappAhl <3

(I want to be a redhead and catch pokemons :C)

Okej. Detta år ska man ha det tjockt om halsen och jag har inte direkt lagt något intresse på det. TILLS JAG SÅG EN TJEJ I STHLM MED ETT SLAGS HALSBAND ;_; Och idag när jag kollade igenom second hands så hittade jag gardinringar, och så var det massa rep bredvid. Och jag bara såg en bild i huvudet på tjejens halsband. Så jag gjorde mitt egna feta halsband. Gjorde lite fler också, men bilderna blev inte fina :C Jag lever, puss.

All right. This year the thick necklace is the thing and I have not put any interest in it. UNTIL I saw a girl in STHLM AND I LIKED HER NECKLACE ;_; And today when I checked through the second hand so I found curtain rings, and rope. And I just saw a picture in my head with the girl's necklace. So I made my own fat necklace. I did some few more too, but the pictures were not good :C I live, kisses.
Aronzo Arinzi

Wouldnt say no to these things! <3

Me, my boyfriend, one of his sister and two children of his other sister were on a museum with dead animals.
My boyfriend got one picture on one alive bird!
summer 2009

Need. Summer. NAOW.

I found these in a book that laid on the kitchen table. I love them!
Uppcon-shopping c:
Köpte en skit cool akira bok för 298:-
Söta rilakkuma saker båda för 40:-
och mjukkola med druvsmak och gröna äpplen, båda för 15:-
Grave of the fireflies 100:-

The hedgehog in the fog

Glad påsk!

Hoppas ni får massa ohälsosamma godisar, kokta ägg och köttbullar.
Som påsken ska vara!
A antiqueholic confession
"Hej, jag heter Sarah och jag är en antikoholik.
.....Hej Sarah."
"Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm a Antiqueholic.
.... Hi Sarah"
Since many believe that second-hand things can be nasty, poor, and much more. While some think it is exciting and fun. I love to shop, and like other Sweds so do I like it cheap. But I do not second hand because it is cheap, though there is a big plus, it's probably my love of ancient things, and style. I love the style where you have a little ragged. not broken. But I feel I will be complete when I have ancient and unique things in my bosom. I would go crazy if i were near these pictures were taken: