Disco-Mouse and Zombies!

I feel like blogging again, but it's hard when the Nikon gets stolen by the boyfriend of mine! But now it's home with mama. My nose look really big on that picture. I look like a moomin, but i don't mind. Moomins are SO cute! Henrik and I bought a Disco-Computer-Mouse. I'll put on a video on it later. When it's night it really having a party and I can't wait until I have a party with Left 4 Dead 2! I WANT IT NOW! AND I WAN'T FASTER INTERNET! C: I'm obsessed with zombies. I always talk about it. And think about it (Especially when me and my boyfreind walks around the streets and it's empty. My mind go crazy then!) And i like it. Wouldn't mind to be a survivor. I would SO kick ass when I run around and shoot zombies and just to be too cool to die!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... now I have too sleep.
Nighty night!